C1 Advanced English for the Bilingual Professional - Modal Auxiliaries in past: Must have, might have, could have and should have.

hello students

this is teacher Kenn

welcome to class

and today we're going to be talking about the modal

auxilaries in past

I hope that if you have any questions

go ahead and check the video on the intermediate level

this is the advanced level

we are on C1

but on B1 we have the modal auxiliaries in

present or future

and so if you have any questions about that

you can go ahead

for this class

we're going to focus

on using the model auxiliaries in past

I hope you're ready

let's go ahead and get started

so we're going to talk about model auxiliaries in past

using our English Sentence structure book

remember that the book is available in the description

and you are also able to either

access the free copy that I have

so you can use it with me

you can follow the video here on YouTube

or if you would like

you can also purchase your own copy of the book

all of those links will be in the description

right now we are on page 252 of the PDF document

but if you have the physical book

we are on page 239

page 239 on the English Sentence Structure book

and we are going to start with Lesson 22

which is the second level or the second lesson

in the advanced level

we're going to focus specifically on must have

might have should have

and could have for this class okay

so again we have already seen the modal auxiliaries

in present or future

we're going to use these main examples

so that we can practice the correct structures

of when we want to use these modal auxiliaries in past

we're going to use have

when we want to use the past in auxiliaries

as we have the examples here

we have them in present or future versus past

in present or future it says they must know him

and then in past they just add have

and they say must have

they must have known him

so the only difference in these cases is the have

and that is what is going to help us know

that this idea is not in present

must have and remember that

we are always going to use the action

in fast participle okay

let me go ahead and read the other examples

as I color up

they might hear us

they might have heard us

they should


they should have studied

they could play tennis now

they could have played tennis

so again in present or future

we use the modal auxiliary

and after that we use the action

the action is not going to be in present

or in past no s no ed

no changes in the action

when we are using the modal auxiliaries

in present or future

but when we are using the modal auxiliaries in past

we have to use modal auxiliary have

and then the action or verb

is always going to be in past participle

we know that if they are regular verbs

there is no difference between present and past

but if they are irregular

well I'm sorry

between present and past

if they are regular verbs

the only difference is the Ed

but between present simple past and past participle

there is a difference in the irregular verbs

for example

in number one

they must know him

they must have known him

let's continue down here with the comments

just for us to

to get another idea of what these would mean

on the new pattern

when we're talking on the new pattern

it says they must have known him means

I conclude that they knew him

so this is a conclusion

about a situation that took place in the past okay

number two says they might have heard us

it says it is possible that they heard us

they should have studied

it was right and desirable for them to study

but they didn't

again we are speaking in past

the other example is they had an obligation to study

but they didn't

and then No. 4 says they could have played tennis

that would be

they had the capability or opportunity to play tennis

but they didn't

let me erase this one right here okay

so but they didn't

I want us to think again about present

or future versus past

when we are looking at the ideas in past

in these comments

we are looking at the actions in past

and that's just the best way to understand them

if we want to contrast them with the present

for example

they must know him

which is No. 1 a

I just have to change the action to the present tense

I conclude that they know him

No.2 a they might hear us would be

it is possible that they hear us if it's imprisoned

three they should study

it is right and desirable for them to study

but they aren't going to

they have an obligation to study

but they aren't going to

and No. 4 they could play tennis now

would mean they have the capability

or up your opportunity

sorry opportunity of playing tennis

but they aren't going to

I just want you guys to have this contrast

and remember that when we already understand

when to use the model auxiliaries

in present or in future

for everyday situations

or for something that is probable or might happen

we just have to add have

and the verb in past participle

and we will be using the correct structure

once you understand how they work in present

the only switch that you have to do is adding have

and changing the action to past participle

this is something that gets confusing for students

sometimes so

I would like to just go ahead and read

the few other examples that we have here

before we go to the actual exercise

we're going to be doing exercise one

but in any case

let's take a look at the different examples

that we have here

in the notes

it says that the combination must have

is used to express suppositions only

never to express obligations or necessity

for past necessity

they used had had to

as in they had to go early

when we're talking about the possibility

that something occurred

a possibility that something happened in the past

we can use may have or could have

but people sometimes use might have to okay

so they might have gone

they may have gone

they could have gone

they are all talking about something that may be

happened in the past

now I would like us to take a look at these

negative sentences

just remember that the negative is always going to go

connected to the model

never to the house

so you will say

he must not have known him

it is not correct to say

he must haven't known him

that would be wrong very wrong

people will not like it when they hear it

it sounds weird

so the negatives in English

are always connected to the auxiliaries

he must not have known it

I conclude that he didn't know it

they might not have heard us

it is possible that they didn't hear us

they shouldn't have studied

it was desirable for them not to study

however they did study

he couldn't have played tennis yesterday

in my opinion

it was not possible for him to play tennis yesterday

okay let's take a look at the additional examples

it says the lake is frozen

it must have been of sorry

it must have been very cold last night

it's right here

must have been

and remember the action is always in task particle

why didn't the mayor welcome us

I don't know

he might not have received our message

or he might have forgotten

my friend left for the airport at 7 a m yesterday

but he missed the plane

he should have left at 6:30

you shouldn't have gone without your coat

you could have caught the cold

the books we bought last year were very valuable

without them we couldn't have passed our examinations

if you guys have any questions about

the additional examples

the notes or the explanation please

don't hesitate to leave a message in the comments

right now we're going to do exercise one

exercise one is on page 241

of our English Sentence Structure book

it is 254 on the PDF

it's a substitution exercise

so we're going to switch the word that is instructed

and we're going to change anything in the structure

that also needs to change between present or past

I will go ahead and say the sentence

say the word that you should change

give you a moment

so that you can produce the complete sentence

and after that

I will say the complete sentence too

so that you can go ahead and check your answer

and make any corrections

remember that you can repeat this as

many times as you need

at least the first two times

I recommend you to take a look at the book

or look at the video on YouTube

so you can follow what is written on the screen

and on the book

the ultimate goal

after constant repetition

for internalization of the structure

is that you are able to just listen to the word

and produce the complete

correct sentence without looking

but in order for that to happen

you first have to do it with the book open

and repeat it and correct it as many times necessary

if you have any questions

leave me a message in the comments

or send me a message over WhatsApp

I'm more than happy to help

let's go from the example and it says

we should return the books tomorrow


we should have returned the books yesterday

could have

we could have returned the books yesterday repeat

very good tomorrow

we could return the books tomorrow repeat

play tennis

we could play tennis tomorrow Ricky

so before we continue with the exercise

remember if we are speaking in past

we have to use have and the action in past participle

if we are speaking about present or future

we use the action without any changes

so we could play tennis tomorrow

what's the sentence with yesterday

we could have played tennis yesterday repeat

you must have

you must have played tennis yesterday


they must have played tennis yesterday

might have

they might have played tennis yesterday


they might play tennis tomorrow repeat

go to the bank

they might go to the bank tomorrow


they should go to the bank tomorrow


they should have gone to the bank yesterday

must have

they must have gone to the bank yesterday

heard the news

they must have heard the news yesterday

might have

they might have heard the news yesterday

gone to Chicago

they might have gone to Chicago yesterday


they might go to Chicago tomorrow


help us

they might help us tomorrow

might not

they might not help us tomorrow

return the books

they might not return the books tomorrow


they might not have returned the books yesterday


we might not have returned the books yesterday

shut up

we should have returned the books yesterday


and that is the last answer on that exercise

we should have returned the books yesterday

again this is the exercise that lets you practice

the structure

the correct structure for the model auxiliaries in past

you can use it as many times as you'd like

to internalize the structure

and let me go ahead and help you with where in the book

you will be able to find practices

that are according to the same structure

that way you will be able to

check on your own

if you are doing well

enough with the structures

the PDF book that is available in the description

has two books

the first part of the book is the

conversational practice book

there we review structures

and we practice it in conversation

on the second part

that is called English sentence practices

here we have written exercises

where you will be able to put to test what you know

on the PDF book

it's on page 628

but if you have the English Sentence Practices book

which will also be available in the description

for purchase

it is on page 302

as you see a

is reviewing the same thing that we were just reviewing

must have might have

should have

could have so

all the exercises that have an a

here are going to be to practice that structure

you can go ahead and follow the instructions

you can go ahead and do the exercises you see

exercise do

still follow spots a

still practicing the same structure

exercise 3 is starting on Box B

so that one is going to be with the next structures

do exercises 1 and 2 on your free time

and you can check your answers at the very end

you will be able to find Lesson 22

the same way I just found the practice

see right here

it's lessons 19 through 23

Lesson 22 is on page 386 of the PDF

no sorry 386 of the English Sentence Practices book

it's page 712 on the PDF

and we have exercises 1 and 2

you will find the answers are right here

if after you do the exercise and you check your answers

there is something that is incorrect

and you still don't know why you still have questions

go ahead and leave me a comment

you know it doesn't take that much of my time

to answer to your questions

and I really want to help you improve your structure

so drop me a comment or send me a message in WhatsApp

I hope that you enjoyed today's class

and again remember

English is easy

you just need to practice

see you next class alright guys

thank you very much for being here today

C1 Advanced English for the Bilingual Professional - Modal Auxiliaries in past: Must have, might have, could have and should have.
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