C1 Advanced English Lesson 22 Box C: Shortened form of the modal verb phrases.

hello students

this is teacher Kenn

welcome to today's class

we are going to an advanced level practice

that is going to be about the past

progressive with modals

last class

we were able to practice simple past with modals

and using them with have

and then the verb in past participle

for example

she must have

taken the bus

must have taken: the modal,

then have and then the verb in past participle, right?

(in this practice) we're going to be practicing, sorry

should have been

studying, for example.

okay? so it's the modal + have + been

+ the verb to be in past participle

been and then the verb with

ing. it continues being progressive

and I am going to go ahead and just

share the page on the book

so that we can go ahead and get this

started. let's see

all right, so...

as I mentioned

we're going to practice

this structure give me just a moment

let me just go ahead and fix this

okay? perfect!

so we are going to see something

that is similar to what we saw on the previous class

on the previous class we saw

for example

he must have washed the car

again that is the modal auxiliary

we have "have"

and then the verb is going to be in past participle

for today's structure we're going to see

he must have been washing the car

the structure is going to be: the modal

+ have + been in past participle

+ then we have the "-ing" on the verb

let me just do a little something here... see?

the biggest difference is going to be with "been"

and "-ing", okay?

let me go ahead and read the rest of the examples

and I am also going to read what is here

I'm going to go from the beginning

and I'm going to do the contrast

and after that

we're going to read the additional examples

and I'm going to show you one translation, for you

to see how it actually works in the Spanish structure

okay? so, again:

he must have washed the car

if I conclude that he washed it

a conclusion (must) for an action in past

(have) and the verb in past participle.

in past incomplete

as we see on the book

it says "he must have been washing the car"

I conclude that he was washing it. okay?

so a couple of things to pay attention to

the must itself does not really define a verb- I mean

a tense. It doesn't tell you if it's in present or in past

what is actually helping me understand

that this conclusion

or this Assumption is in the past tense

whether it's progressive (-ing) or not

is the "have" and the "have been" with the "-ing". okay?

let's continue with the other examples

it says: he might have traveled by air

that one would become

he might have been traveling by air. whoops!

let me just correct that right here just a moment

...so again, he might have been traveling by air

just a moment...

okay you guys know

I do these underlinings

because they are going to help you remember

what things go where

and what things are important

for the different structures

I hope it helps during practice

because it's very important

for the kind of practice that we do in our class, right?

so let's carry on

it says: he should have attended regularly

versus he should have been attending regularly

and then he could have worked in the garden

and he could have been working in the garden

one of the things that I wanted to

show you guys

in regards to the pronunciation in fluency

when we are speaking at a fluent regular rate

we don't say should have

could have or must have

we, in pronunciation,

we contract

let's say that have

and it sounds only "ov"

"-ov "like OV

which means

I don't say must have

I say "mustov"

I don't say might have

I say "might ov" or "mightov" ok?

if I flop the "T" *mightov*


it's not "should have"

it's okay to pronounce it separated

but people don't do that

so it's very important

that you learn to recognize the sound

okay? because you're not going to hear "should have"

he must have washed

they say he "mustov washed"

he must have washed the car

he might have traveled by air

he should have attended regularly

he could have worked in the garden... okay?

and on the other side

we continue contracting the pronunciation of that have

and it says he must have been washing the car

he might have been traveling by air

he should have been attending regularly

he could have been working in the garden

let me just finish doing the underlining here

I want to make sure that I

keep those visual learners covered

let's see

so again the difference

between the one that we had on the previous class

and the one that we have today

is going to be the "been"

and the verb with "-ING"

let me go ahead and

add the last bit right here

remember guys

that we are using the English sentence structure book

right now we are on page 257 of the PDF book

that is available completely for free

on the descriptions of the podcast episodes

and on the YouTube channel and

in case you are using the physical book

or the purchased book

that you can also get through one of the links in

the descriptions of the episodes and the YouTube videos

you are able to purchase the physical book

and get it to your house

you're buying it through Amazon

and when you buy it

you are also supporting this project

(um...) you are able to get it to your house

and you will be able to use that

it's going to be on page 244, okay?

so 244 on the physical book

257 on the PDF that I have available on my podcast

now let me go to the additional examples

because I know that it's a little tricky to understand

when we would like to use this structure

okay? so I'm going to read this additional

sorry these additional examples for you. it says

what was John doing when you saw him in the office?

he wasn't doing anything

but he should have been working

there was nobody with him

but he was looking at the floor and smiling

he must have been thinking about something very amusing

I don't know why he was still there at that hour

he might have been waiting for somebody

okay so again

we are using the structure

with the have been and the "-ING", okay?

and that means that this is talking about

well in this case because we're using should

and remember that should is for recommendations

you are saying that this person recommends

that at that time

that person was supposed to be working. okay?

let's see right here it says

he must have been thinking about something very amusing

let me finish the highlighting here


so he must have been thinking

must in this case

is used for conclusions or assumptions

so I conclude that at that moment

he was thinking about something very amusing

and then the last one says

he might have been waiting for somebody

again we have the "have been" right here

okay? and we have

just a moment... might

might in this case is for a possibility

a probability

not as assured as a must

it's just a guess. okay?

and he is guessing that this person

was waiting for somebody at that moment

so again he might have been thinking sorry

he might have been waiting for somebody

I usually don't give translations in the advanced level

and I don't give translations in general

I like explaining things

either in English or in Spanish for my students

and my advanced students don't need Spanish

but I know that this structure is something that is

advanced level

and when we are in advanced level

even native speakers have difficulty

expressing or explaining when we should use it

which is why I like to

take advantage of your first language

Spanish, right?

our first language: Spanish

I have a comparison right here

I just wanted to show it to you so that you could see

and it's right here it says

what was John doing?

he wasn't doing anything

but he should have been studying. again:

should have been

and the "-Ing"

right? that is the one that we have on the book also

let's see it in Spanish

okay so in this case

you are giving a recommendation

that the person was supposed to be studying

at that moment in the past

and that is the correct situation

in which we are going to use the structure

for this class. okay?

now that you understand it

we're going to practice it with an exercise in the book

we're going to lesson 22

exercise 5. okay?

that is in page again 244 of the physical book

257 of the PDF

we're going to practice the structure with "might

have been" and the action with "-Ing"okay?

so again



let's go ahead and

use all the colors

might have been and then the "-Ing". okay?

I am going to go ahead and prompt you with the example

I'm going to give you a moment

to say the correct answer

and after that

I am going to say it correctly

so that you can compare it with your own

and I will give you a moment so you can repeat after me

okay? and remember that this is an exercise

that you can do as many times as you need

if you have any questions at all

leave me a question in the comments

or send me a message over WhatsApp

remember that I am here to help, okay?

so let's get started

why didn't Paul hear us knock on the door? take a shower

he might have been taking a shower. repeat:

why was he stopped by the police? go too fast

he might have been going too fast. repeat:

let's get started

why was he studying at 2am? prepare for a test

he might have been preparing for a test. repeat:

why were all the women students absent? attend a meeting

they might have been attending a meeting

why didn't Mrs Johnson answer the telephone?

work in the garden

she might have been working in the garden

why couldn't you see the dog? hide behind the sofa

it might have been hiding behind the sofa

why was it so hot in Mrs Jones's kitchen? baked bread

she might have been baking some bread

or she might have been baking bread it's okay

don't worry

why was she carrying a bag of corn? feed the chickens

she might have been feeding the chickens

okay. so now, we continue on the same exercise

but we're going to practice the negative form

okay? so it says

she didn't understand anything the professor said

pay attention

she might not have been paying attention. okay?

so for their next items in the exercise

we're going to focus on might not

have been

and then the verb with "-InG" okay?

I'm going to go ahead and repeat this one

and then continue with No. 8

she didn't understand anything the professor said

pay attention

she might not have been paying attention

just in case

before we continue, I'm sorry...

I'm going to show you how it sounds

when you link it all together

might not have been is "might notov been"

so she might not have been paying attention, okay?

I am going to say it fluently

I'm going to connect it all

and I hope that you guys train those ears and again

repeat this exercise as many times as you need

why wasn't she worried about the weather? travel by air

she might not have been traveling by air

why couldn't they understand the explanation?

try very hard

they might not have been trying very hard

why did Mike keep his bicycle in the basement? use it

he might not have been using it

why was Mr Young doing worse than the others?

attend regularly

he might not have been attending regularly

why were the students discouraged? make progress

they might not have been making progress

and last but not least

why were Donald's hands getting sore? wear his gloves

he might not have been wearing his gloves


so again the structure that we are using

is referring to something that was happening

at the moment

you're speaking in past

and that is the reason why we are using "Have", okay?

thank you very much for learning with me today

again I am here for you

leave me a comment please make sure you like this video

comment, subscribe,

share it with everybody

make sure you share the knowledge

and see you next class

guys remember

English is easy

you just need to practice, okay?

I hope you guys have a wonderful wonderful day

C1 Advanced English Lesson 22 Box C: Shortened form of the modal verb phrases.
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