Phrasal Verbs (B1 Intermediate Lesson 12 Box A)
hello students
this is teacher Kenn
I would like to start by apologizing for this
long pause; I was moving and taking care of some things
but we are back with our free English Practice podcast
welcome back
it's great for me to be here
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now today's lesson is intermediate
so we're not going to have any Spanish
if you feel like this is a little bit too
difficult to understand
you can go ahead and go back to the basic level
on that one
I will explain things in Spanish
but we will always practice in English
now today's lesson
which is starting Lesson 12 on our grammar book
our English sentence structure book
has some interesting
things that I am very happy to share with you
let me go ahead and just show you the screen right away
because I know that this is something that
you are going to enjoy
now as you guys can see over here
we're going to be practicing some actions that go with
prepositions or as it says on the page
prepositional expressions or particle expressions
and these are actions that when we have a pronoun
sometimes the pronoun goes before
that expression
and sometimes it goes after
as the examples here say
which by the way
for the ones listening to the podcast
if you have the physical book
the English sentence structure book
please go to page 121, okay?
page 121 is going to be
the page on the English sentence structure book
in case you have it in physical format
if you are using my PDF
which is available for free
also in the podcast
you can go to page 134, okay?
we are starting lesson 12
and we will look at actions like call on and call up
these are actions in which sometimes
in some cases
the pronoun him
her them you
those, right?
they go before or they go in between
the verb or the action and the expression
so the examples here say
the teacher called on the students
he called on them
in this case
to call on means to ask someone for help
so the teacher called on the students
means the teacher asked the students for help
then we have call up the action
call up is just the same as the regular call action
it's just a little bit more emphatic
so the teacher called up the students
you say he called them up
it is not correct to say "he called up them"
why? because this is a particle expression, okay?
I like to say "because English says so"
okay... it's something that's the language in itself
you just have to learn as you're going
just a moment guys
so let's jump right into the information that we need
the ones that we have to separate
are the ones we call particle expressions, okay?
this is a little technical
so I don't like giving you too much
of the technical stuff
on the same page
right here on notes
we have what we call common prepositions
and common particles
what I think is most important for this lesson
is that you remember the common particles
because those are the ones that we have to separate
okay I'm going to read these for you
you can go ahead and repeat after me okay
the common propositions are on
and the common particles
the ones that we have to separate from the action
when we are using a pronoun, okay...
those are up, down
okay so again
we're going to remember that the particle expressions
again up down
on off in out
away back over
and those similar
we will have to separate from the action okay
we're going to go ahead and
practice with these illustrative examples
illustrative examples sorry
again same page
the ones on page 121
are the ones that we do not separate, okay?
so when we are using the pronoun
the pronoun goes at the end, okay?
so, for example:
look at the book is "look at it" and not look it at, okay?
now, before we read these illustrative examples
I want to give you some let's say
tips when it comes to more fluent pronunciation, okay?
whenever we have the letter "t"
as in Tom between two vowels
it sounds like an "r" okay
and also the pronouns her him
and them suffer a transformation in their pronunciation
when we are speaking fluently
we will not pronounce the h in her or him
and we will not pronounce the th in them
what I mean is that when we have
look at the book with the pronoun
we don't say look - at - it
we do not separate every word for it to sound fluent
we will say "look at it", okay?
so I will go ahead and say it
and give you an opportunity to repeat after me
look at the book
one more time all together look at the book
look at it
one more time look at it
okay in the case of her
when we are speaking fluently we just say er
so talk to Mary is "talk to 'er" okay?
so one more time talk to Mary
talk to 'er
one more time talk to 'er
in American English
it's not necessary to say talk to her
like, to emphasize that H is not necessary
the same is going to happen with him
him becomes "im" and them becomes "em", okay?
so listen to John
again listen to John
listen to 'im
again listen to 'im
alright look for the pencils
again look for the pencils
look for em
again look for em
let's continue
ask for the package repeat
again ask for the package
ask for it
again ask for it
wait for Mr Miller
again wait for Mr Miller
wait for 'im
again wait for 'im
think of his name
think of 'is name
think of it
think of it
okay. if you guys have any questions about pronunciation
please leave them in the comments
or send me a message in WhatsApp
I am available over there, too
now we're going to practice the particles
the particles are the ones that we have to separate
so we will do the same
I will go ahead and read them and give you time
to repeat after me
and I will say each of the sides two times... twice. so
fill out the form
again fill out the form
fill it out
again fill it out
give back the papers
give back the papers
give em back
again give em back
hand in the homework
again hand in the homework
hand it in
again hand it in
okay remember
we are practicing the fluency in the pronunciation okay
let's go with hand out the papers okay
so hand out the papers
hand out the papers
hand them out
hand em out
very good leave out the number
leave out the number
leave it out
leave it out
look over the lesson
look over the lesson
look it over
look it over
look up the new words
again look up the new words
look em up
look em up
put away the books
again put away the books
put em away
again put em away
now let me just pause right there
to explain something real quick, okay? now
we have to pronounce the t between two vowels like an r
that's why we say put away and not put - away
okay put away
and here we have two things
first of all
we don't pronounce these th
it becomes sorry this th
so we say em
and because this t is between two vowel sounds
you have to say put em
so let's repeat those two
put away the books
again put away the books
put em away
again put em away
let's continue put on your shoes
put on your shoes
put em on
again put em on
put out the cigarette
again put out the cigarette
put it out
put it out
put up your hand
put up your hand
put it up
again put it up
pick up the paper
pick up the paper
pick it up
pick it up
take off your glasses
take off your glasses
take em off
again take em off
talk over the lesson
again talk over the lesson
talk it over
talk it over
throw away the paper
throw away the paper
throw it away
throw it away
turn on the lights
again turn on the lights
turn em on
again turn em on
turn off the radio
turn off the radio
turn it off
turn it off
wake up Mr Smith
wake up Mr Smith
wake 'im up
wake 'im up
write down the answer
write down the answer
write it down
write it down
okay guys so I know that this is not very easy to
remember, okay?
there are a lot of different actions
and some of them you have to separate
and the others you don't have to separate
I understand it's hard to remember which is which okay
but I actually want to give you a practice with
the other book that we have, okay?
if it's online
if you are checking the PDF online
it's only one document
but in its physical form
it's actually separated into two books
the first one is English sentence structure
which is the one that we're using right now
and the second one is English sentence practices
this second book
coincides with the first one in regards of grammar
but it's not for conversational practice
like the exercises in English sentence structure
is for written practice
so in case you guys are interested um again
it's available completely for free in the podcast
but for this grammar
I actually prefer to practice on that other book
so on that other book
if you have it in physical form
it's going to be on page 171 okay
171 of the English Sentence Practices book okay
if you are using the PDF
you should go to page 497 so 497
and here we have Lesson 12
in English sentence practices
we have an exercise here
and it's going to let us practice both of the
let's say situations
so it's going to tell us which one to use
and then we're going to use it either before or after
the expression okay
it's usually made in written form
but for today's practice
we are going to do it in conversation, in spoken form
I want you guys to just go ahead and repeat after me
first we're going to say it
just the verb and the expression
and after that
we're going to include the pronoun in the correct place
so if you look at the book
it has three columns
the first one has it
the second one has you
and the third one has us
we're going to use that pronoun
in the corresponding column
and we have to think if it goes before or after
the expression
No.1 and again I will say it twice
once just the verb and second with the pronoun
go ahead and repeat after me
ask for
ask for it
hand in
hand it in
put on
put it on
take off
take it off
listen to
listen to it
now on the second column we are using you, speak to
speak to you
wake up
wake you up
think of
think of you
wait for
wait for you
call on
call on you
and on the third column we have us
talk to
talk to us
pick up
pick us up
wait for
wait for us
listen to
listen to us
look for
look for us
so again I know that this is not a simple exercise
if you don't remember
you have two options
this book has the answers at the end
so if you want
you can go all the way to the far end and
you start looking for the responses
let's see and you go to Lesson 12
let's see if I can find a lesson 18
14 13 and 14
let's see lesson twelve
so let's see
Lesson 12 exercise 1
and here we have all the answers
that is page 380
on the physical English Sentence Practices book
and it's page 706 on the PDF available for free
if you don't want to check it here
you can go all the way up okay
and you can go back
to the lesson that we were seeing initially
that would be on page 121 on the book
134 on the PDF
and you can check it
right here on the illustrative examples
if you are in the exercise and it says look at
you come here and you see that look at uses it
but if it's using for example fill out fill out is here
so we say fill it out just a moment guys
okay sorry about that
now again if you guys have any questions
go ahead and send me a message
or you can watch this video
listen to this episode as many times as you need okay
English is easy
you just need to practice
all right now
see you next class
thank you very much guys