Whether Or Not (Advanced English for the Bilingual Professional L23 BoxA3)
Yo! What up guys? Teacher Kenn here. Welcome to another episode of Advanced English for the Bilingual Professional. In today's lesson, we'll work on the correct use of "whether or not". Lesson 23, Page 254 on our book English Sentence Structure. Go to pg 267 if you're using my free pdf.
Look at the first 2 sentences in box A3. Some people wear raincoats only when it's raining, but some people will wear one even if it's not raining. when you want to say that even opposite situations don't matter to what happens in a sentence, you will say whether or not. One thing about the structure of this phrase is that it can be separated, leaving the "or not" after the event. Let's read the 4 sentences; the 2 situations, and the 2 structures for whether or not. Ready? Repeat After Me:
Let's go to exercise 3 on the same page, right below the Box. I'll make the question with if. Answer my questions with whether or not. Tell me both structures for enhanced practice. After you say both answers, I'll say them myself so you can compare and repeat them for clarification and make any corrections necessary...
That was easy, right? A couple more notes before we go:
Regarding the structure of sentences with subordinators like "whether or not": If you'd like, you can mention the subordinate idea before the main idea. Like in the sentence I just said. When you're writing, make sure you add a comma between the ideas if you do so. Let's read the sentences at the bottom of the page, they go on to the next one. Repeat After Me:
I'm pretty sure most of you already know this, but I'll take a moment to remind you that just like Whatever stands for "any or everything" and wherever means "any of every place" " whenever means "at any or every time" let's go over these sentences:
When you're ready, go to English Sentence Practices page 315 lesson 23 exercise 5 for extra practice on whether or not. That's 641 in my free PDF. Remember you can check the answer key at the end of the book.
That's all for today. Like, follow, and subscribe if you haven't already, and go over this class at least 3 times this week. Remember that sharing is caring and the only way to improve your English is through Practice and Repetition. See you next class!