B1 Intermediate - Lesson 13 Box B: Adjective+For Noun+To Verb

hello students this is teacher Kenn

in today's episode of Intermediate English

for the Bilingual Professional

we will be practicing how to use "for" with nouns

and "to" with verbs

when combining them with adjectives or descriptions

please refer to Lesson 13

Box B in our English Sentence Structure Book

page 136 or page 149 in the PDF

and exercise 11 on page 138 or PDF page 151

without further ado let's begin

so, what happens when I want to include an action

a person or an object in a description with an additive?

it is very important to remember

that when we are connecting actions

or nouns with descriptions

we use either "to" or "for" but we must use them correctly

"to" is only for actions

repeat after me

this lesson is easy to understand

and we use "for" with nouns

repeat after me

this lesson is easy for John

if I want to include both the person and the action

together with the description

you put the person first and the action second

repeat after me

this lesson is easy for John to understand

let's go to exercise 11

it's a substitution exercise

I am going to say the first complete sentence

and after that I will include either a person

an action or both

to be included in the description or the adjective

I will not tell you to use "to" or "for"

the idea of the exercise is that you remember to use "for"

with the nouns and "to" with the verbs

I will give you a moment to say the complete sentence

applying the substitution that I mentioned

and after you say the complete sentence

I will say it myself

so you can compare your answer to mine

don't forget to repeat the sentence after me

so you can correct any mistakes and internalize them

exercise 11

from the examples

this lesson is difficult for him


this lesson is difficult for him to understand


this lesson is difficult to understand


this lesson is easy to understand

this exercise

this exercise is easy to understand


this exercise is easy for us


this exercise is easy for us to write



this exercise is easy to do

this lesson

this lesson is easy to do


this lesson is easy for us to understand


this lesson is easy for us

these words

these words are easy for us


these words are difficult for us


these words are difficult for us to remember


these words are difficult to remember

(to) write

these words are difficult to write


these words are difficult to spell

the students/spell

these words are difficult for the students to spell

the students

these words are difficult for the students


these words are easy for the students


these words are easy for them to remember


these words are easy to remember


these words are easy to forget


these words are easy to write


these words are easy for me to write


these words are easy for you


these words are easy for you to learn

these lessons

these lessons are easy for you to learn


these lessons are easy to learn

this exercise

this exercise is easy to learn


this exercise is easy to do


this exercise is easy to practice

very good

it is very easy and common for people to make mistakes

and mix up "to" and "for" in this scenario

make sure you practice this lesson

at least 3 times this week

and you can go to our English Structure Practices book

and do exercise 7 on pages 189 and 190

from Lesson 13

these are PDF pages 515 and 516

and with that we are done

with another episode of Intermediate English

for work and travel

leave your questions in the comments

or send me a message

until next time remember that English is easy

you've got me for practice

see you in the next class

B1 Intermediate - Lesson 13 Box B: Adjective+For Noun+To Verb
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