C1 Advanced - Negative Questions: Lesson 25 Box B + Exercise 4
hello students this is teacher Kenn
welcome to another episode of Advanced English
for the Bilingual Professional
in today's episode
we're going to discuss negative questions
please refer to page 266
in our English sentence structure book
Box B and Exercise 4 of Lesson 25
PDF page 279
without further ado let's get started
so the important thing to remember
regarding negative questions
is that
changing the structure from affirmative to negative in
the question does
NOT change the intention of the question being asked
especially in cases where we are asking
yes or no questions
let's read the questions and short answers in Box B
repeat after me
is the teacher here today
yes he is
is this lesson 26
no it isn't
isn't the teacher here today?
yes he is
isn't this lesson 26?
no it isn't
very good
exercise for is not very complicated
the only thing we have to remember is that
even if the question is in a negative form
your answer remains yes or yes and no for no
according to the question being asked
I'm going to make the negative question
and I will give you a moment to give me
the short answer
after you give me the short answer
I will say it myself
so you can compare your answer to mine
so repeat my answer
to internalize any corrections necessary
we will alternate affirmative and negative answers
one after the other starting from the examples
that means that No. 1 is negative
the answer to No. 2 is affirmative
the answer to No. 3 is negative
and so forth
now let's go ahead
exercise 4 from the examples
isn't Brazil in South America?
yes it is
didn't Columbus discover China?
no he didn't
shouldn't we always speak English?
yes we should
before we start with No. 1
I will cue you whether to answer yes or no
but keep them close to reality again
answer yes for yes and no for no
No. 1
isn't Spain in Europe? answer yes
yes it is
isn't France in South America?
answer no
no it isn't
isn't English an easy language?
answer yes
yes it is
don't most of the people in the United States
speak English? answer yes
yes they do
don't most of the people in Brazil speak Portuguese?
answer yes
yes they do
don't most of the students in this class speak English
well? answer yes
yes they do
can't a plane go faster than a train can?
answer yes
yes it can
can't more people ride in a plane than in a bus?
answer yes
yes they can
can't a man work harder than a woman can?
no he can't
didn't Edison invent the electric light?
answer yes
yes he did
No. 11 didn't Edison invent the automobile?
answer no
no he didn't
haven't you Learned to speak English perfectly yet?
answer no
no I haven't
shouldn't you practice 10 hours every day?
answer no
no I shouldn't
don't you expect to speak English perfectly next year?
answer yes
yes I do
and No. 15
don't you think the answers to negative questions are
easy? answer yes
yes I do
very good
if you'd like some extra practice
in the correct creation of negative questions
you can go ahead and do exercises 5 and 6
in our English Structure Practices book
Lesson 25
that is on pages 330 and 331
PDF pages 656 and 657
and that would be everything
regarding negative questions
in our next episode of Advanced English
for the Bilingual Professional
we will be discussing tag questions
you will find that very interesting, won't you? ;)
share this
episode with people who are looking to improve their
English accuracy
and until next time remember that English is easy
you've got me for practice
see you in the next class