B1 Intermediate - Uses of "it" as the Subject. Lesson 14 Box A1 + Exercise 1
hello students this is teacher Kenn
welcome to another episode of Intermediate English
for work and travel
in today's lesson
we will review the different uses of it
in subject position
please refer to Lesson 14
Box A1 page 142 and exercise 1 on our book
English Sentence Structure
pages 143 and 144
these are pages 155 through 157 in the PDF
without further ado
let's get started
in the beginning we Learned to use it
as the substitution for objects and animals
everything that was in third person singular
that was not an actual person
so I would use it to talk about the dog
or the glass of water
there are many situations that also require
the use of it at the beginning of the sentence
or as a subject
which we do not consider
in the rules of the basic level
these are cases where when thought about in Spanish
there isn't a word to substitute or interpret that "it"
this is because in Spanish
the subject noun can be implicit
but in English we always have to add it
to understand it better
let's read the examples within box A1
and the additional examples
we can use it as a subject with nouns
adjectives and verbs
repeat after me
it is 10:00
it is Tuesday
it is late
it is nice today
it rains in the summer
it snows in the winter
it seems late
it gets warm in the afternoon
it became cloudy
what time is it?
it's a quarter after ten
it's 10:30
it's a quarter to eleven
it's 11:00am
it's 12 noon
it's 12 midnight
what day is it today?
it's Wednesday
what is the date today?
what date is it today?
it's October 1st
what month is it?
it's February
do we have much time?
no it's late
yes it's early
yes it seems early
no it's getting late
how was the weather?
it's nice
it's cold
it's cloudy
it seems cool and it's getting windy
how is the weather in the winter?
it's terrible it snows everyday and it gets very cold
how's the weather now?
it's raining
it's snowing
very good
now let's go to exercise one
today is Thursday August 29th
I am going to ask different questions about time
make sure you answer using it accordingly
after I give you a moment to answer my question
I will repeat the answer myself so you can compare
correct any mistakes necessary
by repeating the answer after me as well
Lesson 14 exercise 1
from the examples
what day is it?
it's Thursday
what day was it yesterday?
it was Wednesday
what day will it be tomorrow?
it will be Friday
what time is it?
it's 5:20
what time was it an hour ago?
it was 4:20
what month is it?
it's August
what month will it be next month?
it will be September
No.6 what month was it last month?
it was July
what season is it?
it's dry season
what season was it 3 months ago?
it was still dry season
what year is it?
it's 2024
what year was it last year?
it was 2023
what year will it be next year?
it will be 2025
what year was it when Columbus discovered America
it was 19- oh
I'm sorry it was 1492
very good
before we finish today's episode
I would like to comment on the note that is just above
box A2
you may also use it when you are identifying people
in the questions that follow
you should not use he or she to answer
since you are identifying someone you should use it
repeat after me
who is at the door?
it's John
who is on the phone?
it's Mary
who is at the door?
it's Helen and Alice
who was that?
it was my uncle
who was the man in the car?
it looked like Doctor Martin
if you would like some extra practice on the different
uses of it in the subject
you can do exercises 1 and 2 on pages 196 through 198
in our English Structure Practices book
those would be pages 522 through 524 in the PDF
and that is all for today's episode of Intermediate
English for work and travel
join me in our next episode
where we will discuss the uses of the word there
practice today's episode more than once this week
and until next time remember that English is easy
you've got me for practice
see you in the next class