B1 Intermediate Lesson 13 Box A4 - Two persons and two actions in one sentence.
In this episode of "Intermediate English for Work and Travel" with Teacher Kenn, we'll dive into the structure of sentences that involve two people and two actions. Learn how to construct sentences like "George wants John to go there," and enhance your ability to communicate clearly and effectively in various contexts, whether at work or while traveling.
Tune in to master this crucial aspect of English grammar!
Link to Grammar Books PDF and Lesson in written form https://docs.google.com/document/d/15p2fzcD0Gv2aHGgAAVIroK1TIPGTIsZQu3xMQ3E0PSU/edit?usp=sharing
Link to Grammar Books PDF and Lesson in written form https://docs.google.com/document/d/15p2fzcD0Gv2aHGgAAVIroK1TIPGTIsZQu3xMQ3E0PSU/edit?usp=sharing
#IntermediateEnglish #EnglishForWorkAndTravel #GrammarLessons #TwoActionsInOneSentence #TeacherKenn